Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Can Steroid Use be Stopped?

This article talks about Professional Baseball player and how some continue to use steroids.
"We need to understand the dangerous cycle that perception creates....
College athletes believe they have to consider steroids if they're going to make it to the pros; high school athletes, in turn, think steroids are the key to getting a scholarship. It's time to break that vicious cycle, and it needs to happen from the top down."
If the steroid use continues the only way people can make it in professional sports is to use steroids. Anyone with real, true talent will just be over looked. Congress is attempting to get into the problem and stop it, which many players think will be helpful. There is no real number of players found to be doing steroids, only speculations. So is there really anyway for us to stop steroids in the major leagues and be sure of it?
When your a little kid and your watching your favorite player on television you're wanting to be just like them. Hit homeruns like them, throw that deep ball for the game winning touchdown, or even hit the ball 350 yards straight down the middle. What kids are not thinking of is maybe there favorite player is taking steriods before the game or even after the game. Some kids would do anything to be like their favorite player and make it to the big leagues even if that means taking steriods. Its not just the professional athletes that that are making kids look towards using steriods, its even coaches the people that the student athletes look up to as if they were their second parents.In this era people are looking to be the best at any cost and steriods is becoming a problem with our professional sports and our highschool teams. Many kids have died because of using steriods and many kids look the other way and still use them thinking that will never happen to me. Kids need to learn that its not right to cheat yourself and even your life to be the best,because if you work hard and work the right way then you will succed and be the best.How come kids think they have to take steriods to be the best athlete they can? Will steriod use ever end in sports?

NFL Player Gets 30 Days For Manslaughter

"Cleveland Browns wide receiver Donte' Stallworth is going to serve 30 days in jail after pleading guilty in Florida to a DUI manslaughter charge."

I can't believe this. I think this goes above and beyond absurd. Serving only thirty days in jail for killing someone is ridiculous. I can only manage how this poor man's family feels. What does this extremely unharsh punishment say about their family member? I would feel like the person I loved wasn't important, that their life was worth thirty days in jail. Is this justice?

"Police say Stallworth was drinking at a hotel bar before the March 14 crash that killed 59-year-old construction worker Mario Reyes. Tests showed Stallworth's blood-alcohol content was .126."

Brown's alcohol level was really high. He was very intoxicated and therefor negetively influenced. To be that drunk and to get behind the wheel is completely irresponsible. I belive that being a pro football player has a lot to do with Brown's sentence. This is just an example of how athletes recieve special treatment. It's one thing to get a few extra perks, it's another to get away with murder. I find this situation repulsive. The criminal gets a break, while the victim is left with no justice.

"Stallworth also reached a confidential financial settlement with the Reyes' family." I guess the saying is true, money can buy everyhting. If you have money and power you can get away with...... murder.

What are the reasons pro athletes recieve special treatment?
Thirty days for a life. Can this be justified?

Miller players disciplined for hazing

The 10-15 football players from Fontana Miller High are being disciplined for hazing many underclassmen. The players were punching and kicking the younger players. None of the boys were seriously hurt. The school is still giving out punishments and the players could be charged by the police.

I feel that the players should get suspended but not charged for a crime. Most of the underclassmen did not care about what happened because none of them were seriously hurt. The school made the right move to suspended the players.

Why are most of the hazing articles about football teams? Don't other sports do the same thing?
What happened with team? Will they just have to play without 15 players?

Crazy Parents link In this article there's parents who have an 8 month old baby boy named J.J(because it sounds like a good sports name) and they are already pushing him to love sports. They admitted that if when J.J was older and he came up to them and said he didn't want to play sports or didn't like them that they would be disapointed and very upset. "I'm a strong believer that children have to have other activities besides academics," Mark says. "If JJ did not want to be in sports, his mother would be devastated. I would be disappointed."She and her fiancé have been exposing JJ to sports since he was in the womb, by reading NBA magazines to him, and JJ's is almost always wearing a sports-related outfit. When JJ is older, Charlene wants him to play flag football, basketball and soccer. "I've selected toys to gear him up for sports." She and JJ are also enrolled in a Mommy and Me and a tumbling class to help JJ develop his muscles and motor skills. "We do exercises just to get him coordinated," Charlene explains.I think that these parents are going way to over board with wanting him to play sports. My parents loved sports and hoped I would as well but I learned to love them on my own. They encouraged me to try all different types of sports but also many different activities. They have always told me if I wanted to quit that all I would have to do was tell them, and that's how it should be. You need to decide what you like on your own, being open and trying new activites is always good but if your child doesn't like it, don't force it on them.Will pushing those children into loving and playing sports will they just rebel? Will they lose the love of the sport and just want to quit because they played it too much? link In this article there's parents who have an 8 month old baby boy named J.J(because it sounds like a good sports name) and they are already pushing him to love sports. They admitted that if when J.J was older and he came up to them and said he didn't want to play sports or didn't like them that they would be disapointed and very upset. "I'm a strong believer that children have to have other activities besides academics," Mark says. "If JJ did not want to be in sports, his mother would be devastated. I would be disappointed."She and her fiancé have been exposing JJ to sports since he was in the womb, by reading NBA magazines to him, and JJ's is almost always wearing a sports-related outfit. When JJ is older, Charlene wants him to play flag football, basketball and soccer. "I've selected toys to gear him up for sports." She and JJ are also enrolled in a Mommy and Me and a tumbling class to help JJ develop his muscles and motor skills. "We do exercises just to get him coordinated," Charlene explains.I think that these parents are going way to over board with wanting him to play sports. My parents loved sports and hoped I would as well but I learned to love them on my own. They encouraged me to try all different types of sports but also many different activities. They have always told me if I wanted to quit that all I would have to do was tell them, and that's how it should be. You need to decide what you like on your own, being open and trying new activites is always good but if your child doesn't like it, don't force it on them.Will pushing those children into loving and playing sports will they just rebel? Will they lose the love of the sport and just want to quit because they played it too much?

Steroids in the NHL

This article explains the use of steroids in the NHL. Professional hockey players have never had a reputation of being steroid users, and most still believe this true. In the article a former NHL player wrote a book about using steroids and how there is a problem with it in the league. He talks about players using stimulants to enhance size and toughness. It explains the use is more for big defensive guys, and no cases of skilled offensive players. He says they do not help you play better hockey, they just make you bigger tougher and stronger. Reactions of current players denied a problem with steriods in the NHL. Ex Blue Kelly Chase said " There may be the select few who take them for size and believe they will help as there are in every sport, but there is not a problem".

I don't believe there is a problem with steriods in the NHL. Of course there are going to be individuals who take them for personal reasons such as height or to beef up, but they do not make you a better hockey player. If skilled players take steroids, it can negatively affect their play as their body can't handle the muscle and size. It could slow down their hands and shooting accuracy. Personally I do know hockey players my age how have taken steroids to get bigger in hope that height and size will improve their chances of making it to the NHL. But as far as those who made it to the pros, there is no benefit from taking steroids. Considering this, do you think it is acceptable for kids who want to grow and beef up to improve chances of making it to the pros to take steroids or growth hormone?

Charles Barkley Busted

DECEMBER 31--Following his arrest earlier today for drunk driving, Charles Barkley told Arizona cops that he ran a stop sign because he was in a hurry to pick up a girl who had "given him a 'blow job' one week earlier," which the former NBA star described as "the best one he had ever had in his life." According to a Gilbert Police Department report, a copy of which you'll find here, police asked Barkley where he was going at the time of the 1:26 AM traffic stop in Scottsdale. "You want the truth? I was gonna drive around the corner and get a blow job," answered Barkley, who is pictured in the below mug shot. A cooperative Barkley also joked with a civilian police employee that, "I'll tattoo your name on my ass" if it would get him out of the DUI charge. Barkley, 45, was busted after failing field sobriety tests, and had blood drawn so investigators could establish his alcohol content. Barkley was cited for a misdemeanor charge and released at the scene, thus avoiding a trip to the Maricopa County jail. Barkley, now a basketball commentator on TNT, was elected to the NBA Hall of Fame in 2006. His 16-year career included an MVP award and a spot on the 1992 U.S. Olympic basketball squad, the so-called Dream Team that captured the gold medal. He has several prior arrests, including a 1997 aggravated battery bust and a 1991 assault collar.

I think that its kinda funny that something as simple as running a stop sign at ten miles an hour busted all this. But besides that, people do that kind of stuff a lot under the radar so it doesnt make charles any different. He was just living his life. Not very smart but it was his decision.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Athletes and Steroids

I think that athletes are looked upon in so many ways. They have their own personal lives that shouldnt interfere with society but when they are using steroids and drugs to preform better, i think its cheating. No matter if that is on the outside it should still be looked at because its not fair to the other players. Depending on your role in the world some get by with whatever they do wrong and others get a punishment thats so harsh.

Jiale Sun, Sports in America
Charts of American students' daily time spend on.
Highschool student has fewer time spend on sports than College student does.

Not intersting at the most popular sport in here is one of my biggest barrier for making friends. My life really haven't many things to deal with sports, and I think the only adventage of doing sport is to keeping my body healthy.

I don't know the reason is about ethic of not, but most Asian is definite not born as a a athlete. Some of my relatives just told me that if I want to become a part of this society, then I have to starting watching baseball and football. Those are the most useful talking resources in this country.

So what are the other things that people pay attention about?

Little Game League erupts in Fight, 911 Call in Nashville

A summary of this article basically, that during a 7- and 8-year old championship baseball game was going on, a fight erupted from a few people who believed the umpire's call was unfair and they got angry. They were at it for about 22 minutes, until the police finally arrived at the scene of the incident. Luckly no guns were pulled, or people majorly injured. The fight occured in front of the children. When the police finally arrived the fight ended and most children went home without trophies.

My reaction basically is to this post if you're going to fight take it somewhere were people don't have to hold the game for you and the person you are fighting. Also if you can't work it out just move away from them don't create a scene. Connections would be how if they believe something to be wrong they'll fight for it.

Why was it, it took the police 22 minutes to arrive at the scene when in the South Nashville area it only takes about 13 minutes.

Leonard Little's First Drunk Driving Charge (1998)

"Ninety nights of shock time, to be spent in this St. Louis work house, comprise part of the sentence Little received after pleading guilty to involuntary manslaughter last June. He's completed about a third of that to date and part of 1,000 hours of community service a judge also ordered him to perform. If he finishes both, after four years of probation, his record will be cleared, leaving no legal trace of so many shattered lives"

After killing a woman while intoxicated, Leonard Little only recieved sixty days in prison. After searching, I found that the normal time spent in prison for involuntary manslaughter is 2 - 4 years. We also have to take into effect the fact that Little was intoxicated at the time, speeding, and running a red light. Adding all these up we should ask, How did Little get off with 60 DAYS???

I do not agree with this obvious special treatment of an athlete. I don't think that it is fair that someone guilty of three traffic violations and involuntary manslaughter gets off with only 60 days and some community service. If I commited the same crime I would be punished to the full extent of the law.

Is this right? Should athletes be able to get lesser charges for crimes?

Multiple Incidents of Sports Hazing

The article gives many, many examples of sports hazing over the years. They range from milder initations to extreme induction rites. In every case, police and court authorities became involved.

I thought they were all very interesting occurences, and some of them were absolutely wild. I believe that sometimes people go to far with their 'traditional rituals,' including performing crude sex-related acts and causing bodily harm to themselves. It seems like the seniors are taking revenge on their previous 'alphas' on their younger mates, maybe even making it worse and worse.

Should police get involved in these hazing rituals? Or do the initiatee's hold the power to keep these things from happening to them? Is it impossible to say no?

Roger Bratcher, a father of a T-ball player was briefly jailed after an outburst against an umpire during a game involving 5- and 6-year-olds. The accused threatened to beat the umpire moments before walking onto the field and starting a fight with Eddie Smith, who was officiating the game, according to the criminal complaint. A girl who was playing in the game suffered a minor injury when she was struck in the face during the scuffle. (July 2003)

I find this to be quite funny, in t-ball there are heardly any rules and a guy of a 5 and 6 year old game gets up and starts a fight with a ump. Really that tells you that parents are really over zealous of the kids game, the main motto for baseball is to have fun and remember its just a game. While here the parents think that there child must do the best at all costs. I think the parent here was the type who was over competive and hated to lose, some people are like that, I could see this happen to a high school or college game but, at a 5 and 6 t-ball thing no way.

What happen next, what charges were made?

What was the real reason for the outcome?

Hazing/special treatment

"Four players pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of hazing for sodomizing a teammate with a bottle. The assailants were ordered to apologize and were sentenced to perform 80 hours of community service, serve one year of probation, and pay the victim's counseling fees up to $2,000."

This is one of the most disgusting things I have ever heard about hazing. What the hell are these boys thinking? I can almost be certain that this was not a "ritual" and if it was it is the worst thing I've ever heard. Eww.

Also, the special treatment. These boys got got community service, probation, and had to pay counseling fees? That's horrible. They sodomized a fellow teammate, they deserved some worse punishment.

If this happened in our school do you think these boys would have gotten off as easy as they did? And how much of a problem does hazing need to become before it is taken serious enough?

Northwestern Women's Soccer Team Suspended After Hazing

Members of the women's soccer team at Northwestern posted photos depicting hazing incidents on a student file-sharing network. The photos...

"showed women's soccer players wearing only T-shirts and shorts or underwear. Many of the players were covered in marker, and some appeared to be drinking beer. Other photographs showed players giving lap dances for what the captions said were Northwestern men's soccer players. The captions said the dances were a punishment.
In some photographs, the players are in lines blindfolded, their hands bound behind their backs."

In response, the soccer players were suspended and banned from participating in athletic events.

I think the university's response was appropriate in this case. The junior members of the team were forced into sexually demeaning situations by the senior members...a particularly offensive form of hazing. Even when this stuff takes place off campus, the team still represents the university. The university I attended as an undergrad harshly punished hazing by Greek sorority, for example, was prevented from allowing members to use the terms "Mom" and "Kid" because of the suggestion of authority or power over the new member. Athletic hazing should be taken just as seriously.

I wonder whether the women subjected to the hazing welcomed it as a traditional "rite of passage" for the team?